Our in-house Engineering provides the maximum in value engineering savings. We provide engineering of cold-formed steel load bearing buildings, curtain wall and Engineer of Record services. Our BIM capability allow us to coordinate and clash detect with other trades
Our Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM) team provides all the drawings and services you need to ensure your walls are fabricated and delivered reflecting the engineering and project specifications. We furnish shop fabrication drawings for CFS Load Bearing and Non-Load Bearing Walls and Floor Panels. We also furnish the needed drawings and documents to the job site to ensure efficiency and success. Our BIM services provide coordination, clash detection and material quantification so our product arrives on time and accurate.
Our fabrication team utilizes our internal B.O.M. to reduce waste as we order materials for your project. We begin fabrication by assembling headers and jambs per the structural details and laying out the wall tracks. Assemblies and on-center studs are compressed within tracks on our pneumatic tables and securely fastened. Our in depth Q.C. process ensures accuracy on every panel. Exterior panels are then sheathed and sent to our staging department to be loaded onto trailers.
Our last step is to load the wall panels for delivery to your job site. We will coordinate the stacking order based on your erection sequence and the overall construction schedule. As you unload and empty a trailer, we will bring a new load of panels and swap out for the empty one. This helps to ensure that there is never any costly erection downtime. The panel delivery schedule can be adjusted to meet changing onsite conditions. It's our commitment to communicate continually with your field personnel to ensure timely delivery.
The overview process for Shrock Prefab involves several steps that ensure timely delivery of projects while maintaining high quality and safety standards.
Shrock Prefab/Shrock Engineering